17 days left… A birthday at the start of the school year

23 Aug

Since my birthday is at the beginning of September celebrating my birthday and back to school have always gone together.  There are positives and negatives to this.

A negative: a birthday so close to the start of the school year was often missed in announcements or even classroom celebrations.

A plus: a birthday so close to the start of the school year was often missed in announcements or even classroom celebrations.

A negative: birthday presents may have a school theme… you may be getting things you need for the upcoming year.

A plus:  birthday presents may have a school theme… you may be getting things you need for the upcoming year.

A negative:  there is a strong chance you will be in school on your birthday.

A plus: there is a strong chance you will be in school on your birthday and get to see all your friends.

A lot comes down to the way you see things… just like this whole big deal about turning 30.

My first days of school are tied with birthday memories.  Not a bad way to start off one’s education.

When I climbed up those huge bus steps on my  very first day of school in my rubber boots while clutching my umbrella I said good-bye to a very pregnant mommy.  When my little brother was born three days before my birthday I thought it was the best gift ever.  I felt so proud as I announced to my kindergarten class that I got a brother for my birthday.  I knew that my Show-and-Tell topped all.  A great way to start the year.

Even though mom wasn’t home to celebrate my fifth birthday I didn’t mind.  It was super special to have Grandma Reta and Grandpa Garfield with us.  My grandma would tell how we walked down the hospital hallway swinging my beloved Alice between us as we went to visit mom and my new brother.  I felt so grown up when I was allowed to hold him in my arms.  My little brother.

The only shadow was I could not understand why my little sister was given a present to open from my grandparents too.  It wasn’t her birthday.  Poor Janet.  I’m sure her introduction to life as the middle child was rough.  Her big sister leaves for school without her.  A little brother comes along before she gets a chance to enjoy mommy all to herself.  Everyone is giving presents to her sister and brother.  And she is too little to hold the baby.  (Did you hold him Janet?)  Sorry if I made it harder for you by whining over your gift.   In my mind you have always been here and I may have taken you for granted.

As a teacher my connection between birthday and school has not been broken.  As the commercials for back to school shopping take over I start to feel that familiar mix of excitement and nerves.  A new year is starting; in more than one way.

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